I found one of these players new and have decided to buy it. My initial intention is to you use it as a transport to feed an outboard DAC, maybe like the Bel Canto DAC 2. I am considering this because I have several hundered redbook CD's and no SACD's. I bought it because I wanted a multi-disc player as a transport.

My dilemma is, should I do as planned or get the thing modded out and try it as a stand alone player? ( I figure to get the thing totally tricked out would cost about $700, $200 more than I paid for it).

I would love to hear some opinions about this.....thanks,
Dan Wright mods are wonderful. So good that I sold my Bel Canto DAC.
I had mine modded by Richard Kern ( makes a big difference, redbook CD's included. Before the mod, I did play it long enough to get it pretty well broken in, never especially liked the sound (though I never used it with a DAC, either). As you may know, the break-in takes several hundred hours, so don't be too quick to evaluate it. After the mod, it also required lots of hours of playing to break it in, but it now sounds very good. The mod I had done included basic parts upgrade plus the Audiocom Super Clock.
I have a 333 and thought of having it modified, and considered the bel canto and the musical fidelity ac 324. I bought 324 and its almost as good on redbook as the sony333 sacd.In some respects its better. Check it out its pretty analog sounding