Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Here's some useless information: In my prior life I was a QA and manufacturing engineer for a laboratory equipment company, eventually writing ISO standards for such. My work involved lots of hands-on work with several French manufacturers over a decade. trying to teach these iconoclastic engineers and political managers to implement good QA into their production was nearly impossible. White collar and blue collar do NOT mix well in southern European technical manufacturing. I'm a french engineer, yet I must state that trying to get consistent production of clones in a country of 400+ cheeses was impossible. If you opened up a dozen Capitoles I would be surprised if you'd find two that were wired or configured identically! Hence the variability in performance and reliability....
It may be the rare case that AA DOES operate with more stability and control, so my apologies if they fall into that camp. Hell, even my Norwegian CDP's production has evolved (?) through various iterations, such that modding it is less than straightforward due to variability across a manufacturing run. I'm glad I gave up on that career. Companies now brag about ISO 9001/2 compliance, although it's just a documentation paper trail scheme without real assurance teeth....
Just hope you got a good one!
Hey Subaru-- there you go, sounding like general de Gaulle :)! (Wasn't it "350 fromages" he mentioned?). Anyway, I can relate to your experience! Cheers
Subaruguru, it is certainly the same here in the U.S. software industry (kind of obvious, huh? ever had software with any bugs in it? uncountably many did you say? ... :-). Same divide between management who wants the product shipped yesterday and (most of) the engineers who want it to work first...:-)
Lall hadn't had time to try your emailed instructions yet probably have time today. Thanks.