Do I need a new pre-amp?

Hello, my current set-up: EAD Signature 5.1 Pre, EAD PM 2000. Would like to purchase a used EMC-1 mk2. My question is can the EAD pre-amp pass the EMC's 24/192 signal? I know there is no separate volume control for the EMC, so I would think I am stuck trying to connect to the Sig? Suggestions perhaps on an alternative pre-amp? Please help!
Thanks, Dave
There is another alternative to consider. You can purchase an integrated amplifier with a volume control. I am currently using my EMC-1 with the David Berning ZH-270 amplifier with very satisfying results.
Thanks to all who replied. Unfortunately, 6chac, the EMC does not have a separate volume control, or I would definitely go direct. And, as unbelievable as it may be Islandflyfisher, the Signature does not have an analog pass through, which really sucks! Hawaiikid's suggestion of an integrated amp would be fine, except there is no way I am moving away from my Powermaster 2000, it is just that good. It may just be the case that I will have to look at the Cary 306/200 w/ volume control, and scrap the idea of the EMC. I just can't stomach the idea of shelling out another 3K on another pre-amp, although I hear the new Rowland is sweet! Thanks again, the quest continues...

I just had to verify myself at the EAD users site:
It verifies what I thought about your signiture. It states that it has 6 analog and 6 digital inputs, 5 coaxial, and one toslink. You may need the users manual to figure out how to access them but you should have RCA's in the back of your unit labeled numerically. Check out the link to the site that I listed above. Good Luck!