converting to gitital

I am again thinking of converting to digital and selling tt and vinyl. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who has made that change and is happy or unhappy. Thanks for your input.
Sold my turntable and all my vinyl in 1992. In 1996 I bought a new turntable and started collecting vinyl again. There is something about Records (sound, look, feel) that CDs can't duplicate.
Think long and hard before getting rid of all.
I went with just CD's, cold turkey no less, about seven years ago. I gave everything away. On occasion, I will get tempted to puchase a turntable, but the truth is that I really was not listening to records that much anymore and I just did not want to be bothered with vinyl's demands. Yep ... turntables and album covers are seductive (not the record, itself) ... but I prefer the seduction of "drop in and play" even more. I especially like the portability afforded by CD's and potentially 70+ minutes of straight playing time ... there is no need to adjust VTA; hear pops/clicks/scratches; and all that .

Good Luck. Rich
Do not convert! Repeat: do not convert! Especially if you are a Catholic! Now why the hell did I write this? Not being into the religious aspect of vinyl (you know: "blew me away", "my ten year old daughter could not believe how superior vinyl is", "it is a fluid medium", it has "continuousness", and on and on), I kept my tt and my vinyl records simply because some of the stuff will never find its way to another medium or I am not interested in paying the price to buy the CD. I don't see why you have to opt for one or the other since you already have the stuff. The issue is very different when someone is encouraged to spend inordinate amounts of money for tt, arm, cart, pre and record cleaning contraption to "get into vinyl". I would keep the lot.
I can't answer the question without knowing your setup and how "far" you're in. (Number of records).
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