My Phish is Dead Cary it or Proceed to new Planet

I need some help, I am in the market for a used CDP in the under $1300 range. I listen the Phish, the Dead, bluegrass, lots of jazz and me and my boys rock to the Rachmaninov.

My current system is;
B&W 805: speakers
Classe CP35; preamp
Anthem AMP1; amp
Tara & Kimber cables

I'm looking to start rebuilding the whole system starting with the CDP and I am looking for input. I am looking at a Cary 303-100, Musical Fidelity A3, Proceed CDP, Rega planet 2000 or Jupiter, Classe CDP1 and the Adcom GCD-750.

Guide me oh wise ones who have the priveledge and experience

Thanks SUKO
I can't remember Right Here, Right Now it's now history but I do think he said Adam was a nice guy. Having fun you junkie? I'm jealous! I get to buy a new piece every 1 to 2 years. That's what I get for being a teacher. What do you do with ythat 1 month old outdated stuff anyhow? The Jolida is finally on it's way from Lou (I hope he's not a) Fink in Florida. Guess it may be a while, not sure never done this and I'm still a bit weary.
I sell the 1 month old outdated stuff to keep up with the....

Actually, most of the stuff I buy is already outdated, so I don't have to worry about loss in value when I resell it to someone else.

And, teachers ought to have a federally mandated fiscal reserve for teachers with obsessive audio hobbies. If they do, I'd sign up to educate/corrupt our youths.
Guess i should have done that with the Jolida I just saw someone sell one for a $100 bucks less than than I bought mine. I got a tube upgrade but oh well. Hey is there a DAC that you recommend based on the Bush teachers audio supplemental income funds currents reserves. If your not sure of thje budget it mirrors our federal governments.
I am afraid the DACs you are looking for has been disassembled for parts to build the last shipment of Patriot missles on its way to Turkey. It turns out, opamps are highly effective at sensing SCUD missles and BurrBrown chips are great in projectile aiming mechanisms. Or, atleast that is what the Patriot amendment on the teacher audio supplment guide said. But, it also told us to hide under desks incase of a nuclear attack.

I think we actually have a black/gray market of DACs running around funding warlords in middle east. If UN won't budge, Sadam's enemies will.
That's right,
Actually I spent my day dissaembeling Audiovox 6000SUX DAC players that I found at garage sales today. I am going to start my own internet site Defigon and auction each piece off to the highest bidder. I forsee much of old Rummy's money or Saddam's money flowing into the teachers audio fund quickly. Then I shall start the reconstruction through audio campaign quickly after the war. Warlord's, both American and middle eastern shall be drawn to music thus creating peace. And if not, I enact the secret Rage Against the Machine section of the BurrBrownchip on the American artilery, brainwashing them with the lyric Fuck you I wont do what you tell me!!!! Yeah I think that will work