'Last CD Player' search

Has anyone else noticed how many new CD players there are? Now that we're supposedly in the new world of DSD and 24/192 and universal players, it seems that everyone's thrown one last hat into the upsampling cd player ring.

As it happens, I still have a fairly shitty digital source, and, unfortunately, a fairly revealing system. The time has come for me to drop some coin on my first (and hopefully last) Real CD Player. I am looking for a one-box solution that makes redbook sound like music; one I can use as a reference source and build a system around.

I am looking at the following players (in order of price):
- Naim CD5 - $?
- Primare D30.2 $?
- Classe CDP.10 - ca$3000
- Audio Aero Prima 24/192 - ca$3200
- Copland CDA-822 - ca$3500
- SimAudio Moon Nova - ca$3800
- Gamut CD 1 - ca$4000
- Cary CD-308T - roughly ca$4000
- Ayre CX-7 - us$3000

I have also listened to the Musical Fidelity 3.2 and 308; I find the 3.2 does weird things with dynamics, and the 308 is too expensive--it was not $1000 better than the Copland. I have tried to stay away from separates; but I have heard good things about the Audio Note DACs and the PerpTech P1a/P3a combo. Thoughts?

If you own or have experience with any of the above:
- Are you happy?
- How did the sound of your system change with the purchase?
- Do you feel like there's more to be had from redbook CD's?
- What was your previous source, and what was the difference?
- Any comparisons/contrasts between any of the above appreciated.

Also: How have other people approached this kind of buying situation? How do you audition all the possibles? Sometimes the logistics are dizzying.

My system:
Reference 3A MM De Capos
Acurus DIA-150
Van den Hul power, signal and bi-wire speaker cables
Lovan Reference racks and stands
AC regeneration by 2 APC UPS units in series w/ sinewave output
Persian rugs and bookshelves on absorbtion/diffusion duty
(Current digital source is a Pioneer DVD player and Audio Alchemy DDE)

Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated.

Chris Younkman

Hello...The Simaudio Moon Nova is VERY good. I have also heard great things about the Ayre CX-7 (definitely give it a listen if you get a chance). I realize you want a one-box solution, but don't rule out the Electrocompaniet ECD-1 DAC at $1995 retail (your Pioneer would work very well as a transport). The performance of this unit is VERY close to that of the $5500 EMC-1. Another player to keep in mind is the Xindak SCD-1/SCD-
2, also $1995 retail (fyi...the Xindak is also SACD).

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio
I don't think the Cary 308T is $4000--more like $2500 new I believe. The 306/200 is $5000, used for around $3000. I would choose a one box player if I were in your shoes. Any of those you are considering are excellent. If you buy used, you can save a lot of money. I would then look into applying anything I saved towards my "last" integrated amp. There are many many great integrateds out there now too. I would look at the new Ayre integrated, the ARC CA-50 (available used only, around $1500), the Unison Research, Mark Levinson ($$$), the Cairn, Myryad, Mistral, Creek, or Arcam. LOTS to choose from, and most available used at very good prices.
Sarah - note the prices have a currency notation - "ca" for our lowly Canadian bucks although $2500 US (MSRP of the 308T) equates to about $3750 Canadian at current exchange rates as opposed to $4000. I have to agree to add in Arcam, specifically the FMJ 23...