Digital as good or better than YOUR analog?

Just curious how many here believe they have surpassed the performance of their analog sources; aliveness, ease, depth, grainlessness, delicacy, scale etc. with their redbook cd playback. I'm closer than ever. I call my digital playback, power analogue, and with the latest technology for less and less money I would love to hear how others are percieving the measures of; palpability(music breathes with naturalness), seductiveness, shadings of recording room que's, vibrancy, etc. with their standard CD digital playback. Thanks
Hey - How do you get the accent marks and squiggly thing over the "n"?...I don't think my keyboard has that!
Oh, you PC users...when will you ever see the light! On a Mac...ahem, ahem...(option n + n) will give you the "ñ". The letter that follows "n" in the Spanish alphabet. (So we have less software available and (maybe) can't compute "Pi" to the biillionth integer. You all have to depend on Bill Gates!) :>)

Newbee, I don't have a multiple collection but, must confess, that after getting back into analog, I started acquiring special (for me) recordings I had heard only on CD. The LP, in 90% of the albums, was preferable.

Oh, and to answer the question above, it really does depend on the individual CD or LP. Sometimes both sound great and also both sound like crap. It depends on the mastering process, and for the LP, also the quality of the vinyl.

Best regards.
Ç ü é â ä à å ç ê ë è ï î ì Ä Å É æ Æ ô ö ò û ù ÿ Ö Ü ¢ £ ¥ ƒ á í ó ú ñ Ñ ª º ¿ ¬ ½ ¼ « » ¦


(Now, if somebody can tell me how to do italics, I'm really in business...)