Wadia think about expensive CD Players ?

Hi , I live in an area where its difficult to demo the really high end digital gear. Honestly I dont mind paying a high price for CDP Playback , but w/o a demo , Im wondering if its worth it. Let me define worth it if I may. Will a top of the Line Wadia for example sound clearly better than say a Rega , or a Sony ES. Im not expecting it to trounce it, Im just asking if you have the bucks , is the improvement clearly audible ? Im looking for warm ,detailed involving sound, my speakers are Electrostats, Amp top of the Line Sunfire. Appreciate your thoughts .
Yes it will sound better, worth the extra dollars that is your call. I recently compared the Wadia 861 basic to the Accuphase DP-77 SACD/CD and Resolution Audio Opus 21. The Wadia was more refined, smoother sounding with an excellent soundstage compared to the others, the Opus 21 with a Black Mamba power cord was close behind and was not overall as refined sounding and maybe a tad more dynamic than the Wadia and it is a lot less, I could live with it. I found the Accuphase to be less dynamic and boring sounding to my ears. I recently had this discussion with another Audiogon member who purchased the Accupahse and they could not be happier with it and they have had more CDPs in their system then I have, so go figure.

Happy Listening.
FWIW, I suggest that you research all of the top CDP's before you commit without listening. You say you want the CDP to be warm and detailed. Detailed (or bright or forward) is easy to comeby. Neutral is to be desired. Warm is tougher. Detailed AND warm are almost mutually exclusive. I've never heard anyone call a Wadia or Sony "warm". If you want something to err on the warm side or at least be neutral think of something that has tubes in it (and all of these aren't warm either!).
I have compared several High -end models. Krell 300 cd, Wadia 830, Electrocompaniet, Bat VK-D5SE. The Bat in my opinion was the clear winner. Actually the closest thing I have heard to it is the new Arcam CD 33 at $2500.00 it is a steal. I am a dealer for Bat and Arcam but these are still my top choices. I guess that's why I am a dealer for them.