Which warm sounding cd player for under $400?

I have a ancient 5355 NAD cd player that been in my system for a year and I think its time for an upgrade. I still want the warm sound with clarity and detail. I'm consider the following players:

NAD C521i or C541i
Rotel RCD-955AX
AMC CDb8 or CDb6

If you have any other conideration please feel free th ask.

Thanks Alfredo
Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64
You might consider a modded Toshiba 4960.
You can buy the unit for $100, it is a universal player and the mods are $300. It looks like a few guys are doing the mods and use a similar process.
Supposedly sounds very nice.
I am considering this myself as a way to try out SACD also.
I am not affiliated with any vendor FYI.