Red Rose Speakers (From Mark Levinson)

Has anyone heard the Red Rose R3 Monitors? What do you think? How did they compare to other monitor speakers?
I've heard them once in the New York Madison ave. store, they sounded incredible. I had the Totem Model one before, they were very similar in sonics. It could be the room in the store, but these monitors sounded just great...
I heard them at the NY store also, just a couple of weeks ago, and I agree they sounded terrific. Very, very neutral and natural and musical. The store mainly plays high-res sources, so that is certainly a factor. I'm sure the speakers are way overpriced given cost of manufacture (I mean, Red Rose is out to make big bucks), but the sound certainly seemed worth $3k to me. Would be nice to try them at home for a bit.
The source is the key with regard to these speakers. In fact, it goes to the CD itself. The store plays ONLY those CDs' (or other sources such as live piano recorded in the store and immediately played back) that sound good with the speakers. Try your favorite demo discs and you will have a decidely different response. Proves the theory that the retailers set-up is not necessarily what you will hear at home. Noticed that the speakers are starting to hit the *pre-owned* market.