Which crossover should I buy?

I've successfully bi-amped my speakers and it sounds great. Only thing is, the crossover I'm using is borrowed from a friend, so I'm in the market for a new 2-way crossover for myself. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm looking to spend up to $750 for the best I can get at around that price, and I'm also open to used units as well. The one I'm using now is the Ashley X1001. It sounds fine (ie it blends well), but it's a bit lacking in punch.
The gear I'm using: one pair Linn floorstanding 2 ways (1 tweeter 2 6" woofers each speaker), Anthem AVM2 preamp, and for power, I can use any combination of a Conrad Johnson 2100, Counterpoint 1A, Counterpoint SA100, Acurus 100, and Anthem MCA2. All are 100w except for the Anthem which is 200w.
This is mostly for music (jazz, r+b, rock) and movies are a far second.
Also, does anybody want to describe their biamp setup and how they got it to work successfully?
oh yeah, ed, regarding ktsteamer's rig, i agree that the best solution for the linns would seem to be using their own active hardware...

doug s.

sedond: i'm havin' a reel hard time understandin' yew. wood yew be kindanuf to return to yur native tung? -cfb
hi kelly,

i guess some folks at a-gon are more equal than others - when i attempt to post to the forums
in my "native tung", the posts get rejected, as not being appropriate language for such a forum.
what' your secret - do i need knee-pads? ;~)

regards, dug seed in