Speaker to match Mark Levinson and Jeff Rowland

Looking for speakers to match ML (33H, 436 or 432) or Rowland (302, 8Ti or 9Ti). I listen mostly vocal (around 80% - both pop and classic). Look for real musical performance at home but with details and analytical. My listening area is around 15'W x 18'L x 9'H. Also welcome comparsion between ML and Jeff Rowland.
My preference so far are as follows:
Avalon Eidolon
B&W N800
Sonus Faber Amati
Thanks for your ideas and suggestion
Of the ones you list, I have heard the Eidolons, quite a bit, and the Amati, to a lessor degree. Can't go wrong with either in my opinion, although they are a bit pricey. I also know that the Eidolon sucks power, so make sure you get plenty. (But it is also my favorite speaker).

If you are looking to save some money, you could try the Revel line. I like the Revel Studio with my levinson amp. You would probably like the Salon though, as it has a bit more bass than the Studio.
I blissfully listen to my Revel Salons & Levinson 33H's. This duo cannot be beat.