Amps for jm lab mini-utopia - - any suggestions?

I have a jm lab mini utopia. Any suggestions on what amplifier to use as a good match? I currently own a Plinius 8200Mk II and im thinking of an upgrade. Rest of the gear is Musical Fidelity Nuvista 3D cd player, analysis plus cable oval 9, DH Labs air matrix interconnec. Music preferred is Jazz instrumental and vocals. Thanks.
Have you tried experimenting with aftermarket power cords with your Plinius and CD player? They can make a difference anywhere between subtle and surprising.

I can't offer any specific suggestions; haven't had SS amps for about 15 years.

I would start with different interconnects, your amp is probably up to the job you just need to find the right cables. This is something you definitely need to go through if you haven't already.
I second the McIntosh 2102 idea and would also like to say that I auditioned these speakers with the Revox Exception 120Wpc amp and preamp and the sound was sublime. I was very very impressed with the synergy, coherence, and utter silkiness that came from this setup. The Revox is a lot less costly than the McIntosh but it will be harder to find. Good luck! Arthur
Although they look strange, the AMPZilla 2000 monoblocs would be perfect for your Utopia's.


When I had my Mini's I had them hooked up to Tube Research Labs GT-100 Mono Blocks. It was a great combo. E-mail me if you want.