Amps for jm lab mini-utopia - - any suggestions?

I have a jm lab mini utopia. Any suggestions on what amplifier to use as a good match? I currently own a Plinius 8200Mk II and im thinking of an upgrade. Rest of the gear is Musical Fidelity Nuvista 3D cd player, analysis plus cable oval 9, DH Labs air matrix interconnec. Music preferred is Jazz instrumental and vocals. Thanks.
When I had my Mini's I had them hooked up to Tube Research Labs GT-100 Mono Blocks. It was a great combo. E-mail me if you want.
I second or third the tube idea.
Find a Music Reference RM-9 MK II or a RM-200. It will take the "mechanical" edge off the minis (no one can tell me they don't have it), and you'll love the extreme realism of the soundstage and be surprized at the bass.
Rogue M120 magnums sound very good with the minis as well.