Affordable subwoofer for music cont'd

So a while back I posted a thread asking for opinions for a sub that would go well with audio as opposed to home theater. I laid out my system, NAD w/ MA Silver 3i speakers, and that I've spend well under $1000 on it all so far. Many people suggested that the only suitable sub for music would be a $1500+ sub; well out of my price range.
So, I did some thinking, and realized that if I either limited the cone mass/size, or had a sealed enclosure, I would have a tighter sounding, more musical subwoofer.

In light of these simple observations, I've been looking at some used subs on here and ebaY. So far I've found the following, all within my price range.

My question is this: assuming the same price on all of these, which one would you choose?
Paradigm PDR-8
Defintive Technology ProSub 80
M&K K9

I am asking for this advice because I have no way of auditioning any of these subs. The Paradigm seems like a decent affordable sub that is a compromise between the DefTech and the M&K. The DefTech has really low bass response (21Hz) and a decent amount of power, but I'm not sure how musical it is. The M&K only is rated down to 35Hz (I think) and has only 75W, but is probably really musical. Any comments are appreciated!

I stopped in my local Best Buy today and they were closing out the Celestion s20 Sub for $99. I have not heard this sub, but Celestion has a good reputation and you could always return the sub to Best Buy for a refund if you don't like it.


Well, the M&K was sold out from under me, and the seller of the ProSub 80 backed out on selling once I confirmed the desire to buy, so I'm back to square one. Suck.
I'll continue to watch the auctions for Daytons Titanic MKIII's as well as the Pinnacle Baby Boomer, Aperion Audio S-8APR and anything else sealed and small. There can't be much demand for small sealed in home audio because everyone wants deep bass for movies, right? I hope not...
The Celestion is sealed, is only $99 (closeout) and is easily returnable for a full refund...


This sub is fast and powerful. The added benefit of RABOS was huge in my room. Got rid of a 50/60hz room node and for the first time I have tight tuneful bass. A bonus is, to me its not quite as ugly as the typical black box woofer and its a bit smaller.