How do I hook uo headphones to my system?

I have a Pass Int-150, which has neither a tape loop nor a headphone jack, so I can't (easily or conveniently) used an outboard headphone amp or plugs the headphone directly into my amp. Yes, I know I could use an outboard amp and directly plug in whatever source I am using into the headphone amp, but I really don't want to go that route.

The other thing I thought of is slightly nuts- my CD player has a digital out; my tuner has balanced and unbalanced outs and my phono stage has balanced and unbalanced outs.

I could run my CD player into a dac and then run the DAC's output, the unused tuner output, and the unused phono output to an headphone amp which also has the capability to switch among input sources or to a preamp that has a decent headphone stage.

Way too confusing. Anyone have an easy solution?
Zavato hi, you could run you headphones direct of the output rca's of your CD player if the volume is the right level or you may have level control in the player and the cd player has a good output stage. Which cd player do you have and i see for you. This way can be the best sound if all the stars line up.

Cheers George
I'm pretty sure the mute button on the INT-150 will mute the pre-amp outputs.
George, note that he has three sources, not just a CD player. The model numbers are indicated in his system description.

Zavato, I think I have a fairly nice solution to propose, which I'll probably have time to write up in the morning. First, though, have I correctly determined by researching those model numbers that all three of your sources have both balanced and unbalanced analog outputs? It appears that the Sim Audio 260D with the optional built-in DAC provides both kinds of outputs, as well as the phono stage and the tuner which you indicated do provide them. (I realize that the INT-150 can only accept up to two balanced inputs, and up to four inputs total).

-- Al
03-13-14: Almarg
George, note that he has three sources, not just a CD player. The model numbers are indicated in his system description.

Well if that the case he could use one of these after the CDP and put his sources into it as well and headphones and preamp or whatever into the outputs. There always a way Al.

Cheers George