Speaker's magnetic field and pacemaker

I've never got a satisfactory answer to this question over the years. Perhaps there's someone here with experience or knowledge-

Pacemakers and strong magnetic fields don't mix. IE, no MRIs, magnetometers, etc. Do speakers with large magnets, typically in the woofer, present a practical problem for someone with either a pacemaker or an AICD?

I don't thik that anyone with pacemaker would go as extream as leaning against woofer. 2' away is safe.
consider placement of your rig at the safe distance from speakers or start playing music quiet and than adjust with volume control
In the Emergency Department, we use magnets to temporarily turn off pacemakers to see what the patient's native heartbeat is doing. Only briefly, of course. The magnet has to be held directly over the pacemaker. So, keep the pacemaker at least a foot away from the large magnet. This advice does not apply to internal defibrillator-pacemakers.
I have an implanted defibrillator/pacemaker, and do a lot of stupid things. I carried my Mirage 12" subwoofer upstairs and didn't think about that big magnet in the cabinet pressed against my chest. But no worries. It didn't turn it off. :-)

Sorry if my Q is off topic, but it's kind of related. I have a 48" Panasonic plasma TV which has extremely strong magnets in it -- I think near the bottom of the screen for sure. Could be elsewhere too.

The TV sit on top of an entertainment cabinet which also houses my CDP and linestage -- all being tube pieces. The CDP sits on a shelf about 12" to 15" below the TV. The linestage is on a lower shelf about 24" below 20" below the TV.

Until I read this thread, it never occurred to me that magnetic fields could affect electrical devices like pacemakers, but it makes perfect sense. So ... how about my CDP and linestage. Too close for comfort??

Thanks and sorry for the hijack.
Tgrisham, what's your advise for AICD's

That's the one really of particular interest to me-

Me and Medtronic, like Peanut Butter and Jelly-