Revel Salon 2 or Raidho

Has anyone been able to compare these speakers? If so, what are you opinions?

I currently own the Revel Salon 2s running them with Bricasti M1DAC directly into a Mark Levinson amp (plenty of power at 400 wpc).

The Salon2 is a wonderful speaker, but my room is pretty small in width at 13.5' x 22' long.

I wonder if anyone has heard the Raidho C2.1 or D2 and can compare them with the Revels in that size room? I could also consider going to monitors and a sub and I have read the wonderful reviews on the Raidho C1.1 and D2.
I also hav the Salon 2s in a similar size room. I have been very impressed with the Salon 2s. I was mentioning some little nit picks I have with them like they are so true to the source and tell you exactly what is on the recording which can be good and bad. I use mine in a recording studio situation which is great that they tell you everything good and bad that is what you want but for just chilling and listening to music I feel like they can be a little ruthless to some crappier recordings. The dealer said he knows exactly what I mean and that the speaker that reaches the same level of transparency but somehow manages to also make almost all music sound good as well is Raidho. Salon 2 is awesome for the dough but the next level he said is Raidho
Hi Ejlif,
Thank you for your response. I wish I had somewhere semi-locally to go hear the Raidhos. It is a > 5 hr drive to the nearest Raidho dealer from where I am.

I am not unhappy with my Salon 2s, but sadly there is always the itch to find something that might be even better.

You might consider spending the money on a good preamp. Perhaps the Levinson to match your amp. A good preamp can transform a system, IMO. It's not just a volume control.