A good amp to drive my B&W Matrix 800's

I want to get a new amp for matrix 800's, I am using a Krell KAV 300i, I like class A but I am open minded. I have a Conrad Johnson Premier Ten preamp.
You can check out my system here>> http://home.wideopenwest.com/~mvallely0812/

Thank You,
PS: I want to spend around $3,500 to $4,000.
You cannot go wrong with a new BEL 1001 Mk V for that money. It's the best I've ever heard and will blow away most other amps at any price. If you're interested let me know where you live and I'll see if there's a local dealer for you.
Good luck!
the bel is great, but unless you just want a change for change sake, spend the moolah on a better turntable. the linn is cool, but a newer oracle delphi, or vpi hw mklV, or well tempered classic and you are home free. in any case nice system!!!!