Ars Sonum / Merlin TSM-MX???

Anybody running this combo. Would apreciate some comments!
Thank you in advance.
Vicks7, I have not auditioned a great deal of amps with the Merlin TSM-MXs. I have listened to the Cary SLI-80 and the AR Vsi-55. Without getting into the details of the others, I preferred the balanced tone and "live" presentation of the ARS Sonum integrated with the Merlin TSMs. Hope this helps.
Vicks7, I own a Joule LA-150 MKII and CAT JL2 (also used CAT SL1 Ultimate, Lamm LL2, and Placette Active). While the Joule and CAT are better overall with all sorts of speakers, with the Merlins, the ARS is as good as it gets.
Pubul57, I've heard the ARS with Merlins, and while it's very good indeed, it's not as good as it gets, even with Merlins. What ever is?
Dgarretson, I agree, it is not as good as it gets, and there are several excellent choices - CAT, Joule, Atmasphere, Ayre (SS) etc. But for $4,000, the fact that is is on the same playing field as some of the top separates is saying something. But your right, I'm not selling the CAT.
Agreed, when value is factored in, I don't think there's any pre/amp/speaker that approaches ARS/Merlin VSM-MX.