Your listening chair

I was viewing a members system here on the 'Gon and he has a very near-field listening position. He has a listening chair and a foot-rest in front of the chair. A responder mentioned that the foot-rest is a bad idea soundwise.

This is a photo of his seating position SEATING POSITION

I listen from a loveseat. I'd love to get an ottoman to prop my feet up on or even invest in a recliner. I will be sitting 15 feet from my speakers.

Does an ottoman or a recliner present any problems for serious listening sessions?

Mark, my ex-girlfriend has an Ikea Poang, and yes it is very comfortable. A bargain too. Plus, they have multiple wood/cushion combos available.

Mitch, you called DWR for leather samples or one of the Ebay links? There are lot's of DWR stores in LA, but they sell all the popular stuff at full retail.

As DP suggests, I think I'd be happy with one of the knock-off Mies Van Der Rohes instead. A fake Pavillion Chair with ottoman ain't bad either. Probably one third to one fourth the cost of an original Mies.

You better get your boy his own listening chair too, heheh.

That suit looks like a mid-fi listening suit.

A high-end hi-fi suit would have cut-outs for the ear holes.
And when choosing a listening suit, make sure it has a cool slogan like these:
You are so right. How could I have ever considered using a listening suit as a tone control?!