How would you rate these 2 Channel amps

In which order would you rate the following amps from the era of pure HiFi before Home Theatre's advent,
Krell, Accuphase, Mark Levison, McIntosh,Counterpoint, Luxman,Hafler, you can add any in the top ten that I may have missed, also please give your opionions on thier preamps.
I am basically talking about solid state stereo amplifiers not Tube amps.
Thank you,
SF6966, Pakistan
The Sanders amp I mention has no problems with all kinds of music. Up to you. When I tried the amp, it was as if the door to the music was opened, and I was hearing lots of details, excellent depth and bass punch, and the timing of the music just flowed coherent from top to bottom.
The preamp I am using is the Diva M7. You can find out more information about it here :
I'm not sure about availability where you are located, but Pass (and Threshold as mentioned before), SIM, and Plinius are top notch solid state gear.
A close cousin of the Sanders amp... I'm currently using an Innersound ESL amp with my Magneplanars. It was the predecessor to the Roger Sanders' current amp, and shares many similarities, including case & construction. Recommended!

Very clean & powerful. I use an Audible Illusions pre with mine.