Living voice and kondo

Living voice and kondo amplifiers produce one of the best sounds as per reviews on 6moons,can any body suggest a tube amplifier to partner Living Voice speakers,for which i do not have to spend more than $7000.
LV speakers need more power than the folks at LV will tell you. Yes they can play fine at low vol BUT to come alive they need power. I owned OBX's and sold them b/c my Kondo amp just could not bring them to life...just not enough watts :-(
LV's 94db is 'optimistic'. it's probably measures more like 91db or similar. either way, you're looking at 18-25watts. You won't be getting the best out of it with anything less. This from my experience and Kevin Scott himself.
Wyetech Topaz would work very well also.
A couple up for sale right now...but not my own!
You have to keep in mind that the difference between 10wpc of amplification and 20wpc of amplification is only 3dB of SPL headroom. Whether that last 3dB will be important to you depends a lot on the size of your room, the style of music you prefer and your preferences with respect to peak decibel levels when listening.

You really can't speak in absolutes here unless you make the assumption that the system will be asked to reproduce a wide variety of music - including something like rock, pop, or orchestral music that will definitely benefit from the added headroom - in something other than a small acoustic space.
For ultimate drive performance, I do recommend folks here to try pairing the OBX-R2 with a 50w SET,
such as KR Kronzilla SX, to undestand the speaker full potential with all kind of music: drive ,stage,authority and energy from hell combining midrange from heaven.
Although this match must have a very liqiud full bodied source (prefered analogue & tube phono) since the KR has a very neutral balance.
But there are some good 845 SET/300B PP that will drive them very good as well, but again, this speaker deserves the best cables and source to full potential- they are more sensitive to that then other designs on the market