What amp to replace BAT VK-250 w/Dali & Aesthetix?

I'm looking to replace my BAT VK-250 (w/bat pak). Speakers are Dali Euphonia MS4; preamp is Aesthetix Janus. The BAT is not as musical or as present as I'd like--not engaging enough. I feel like it's putting the recording studio in my house, instead of the musicians, if that makes any sense. I listen to rock (no metal), folk, jazz, electronica, and classical.

I'm looking for an amp in the $3,000-$5,000 range, that will give me an organic and warm (but not overly-tubey) sound, while still having great imaging, dynamics, detail, presence etc.. I'm also nervous about going all tube (my DAC has tube as well) because I don't want things to get too syrupy, so I'm leaning toward SS or hybrids.

My Shortlist is as follows:

Moscode 401HR
Pass XA-30.5 or X-250.5
McIntosh 402

If you have specific experience with these amps and my other gear that's great! I'm worried the Pass XA-30.5 won't be enough to power the Dali's (recommended 50-350 @ 4 ohm) in my room (17 x 20); I am also a little nervous about the cult of McIntosh. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thanks everyone for your replies thus far.

Azmoon: Can you tell me more about your system and what other amps you've used with the dali's besides the 402?

Tusa: did you consider the 30.5 or just the x250.5? You had the BAT VK-250 as well? Can you tell me a little about what you think the difference between the Bat and the pass is? What speakers are you using now, and what preamp and speakers were you usying with the BAT?

Thanks everyone!
I use a Pro Ject Tube Box SE 2 phono amp through a Linn Kolektor preamp. I consider the Linn the weakest link in my system. I would like to go with a Mac next time I have the funds to upgrade.

I started with 3 Linn LK85's tri amped into the MS5s but quickly went to the Mac MC 402 with much better results.
Azmoon: not to start a new thread, but if you're still looking to upgrade your phono section, you may want to look at the Aesthetix Janus as a one-box solution. I'm very, very happy with mine.
Hi Mimberman, switching amps are funny ducks: they are absolute bears to break in. If they have significantly less than 1000 hours of operation on them, they can sound 'dry' IMO. G.