What amp to replace BAT VK-250 w/Dali & Aesthetix?

I'm looking to replace my BAT VK-250 (w/bat pak). Speakers are Dali Euphonia MS4; preamp is Aesthetix Janus. The BAT is not as musical or as present as I'd like--not engaging enough. I feel like it's putting the recording studio in my house, instead of the musicians, if that makes any sense. I listen to rock (no metal), folk, jazz, electronica, and classical.

I'm looking for an amp in the $3,000-$5,000 range, that will give me an organic and warm (but not overly-tubey) sound, while still having great imaging, dynamics, detail, presence etc.. I'm also nervous about going all tube (my DAC has tube as well) because I don't want things to get too syrupy, so I'm leaning toward SS or hybrids.

My Shortlist is as follows:

Moscode 401HR
Pass XA-30.5 or X-250.5
McIntosh 402

If you have specific experience with these amps and my other gear that's great! I'm worried the Pass XA-30.5 won't be enough to power the Dali's (recommended 50-350 @ 4 ohm) in my room (17 x 20); I am also a little nervous about the cult of McIntosh. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hi Mimberman, switching amps are funny ducks: they are absolute bears to break in. If they have significantly less than 1000 hours of operation on them, they can sound 'dry' IMO. G.

I do not mean to hi jack the thread but anyone Dali fans here happen to own Dynaudio before? What's the difference between the Dynaudio Audience and Dali Ikon sonically?


I had the 75se then upgraded to the 150se but went back to SS BAT 600se because of the heat that the tubes were putting out. Kept the 600se for about 3-4 months, and went back to the 150se for the same reason that you stated above.

“Not as musical or as present as I'd like--not engaging enough. I feel like it's putting the recording studio in my house, instead of the musicians”

If you can try a 75se. Very Musical, detailed and very engaging, and half the tubes of the 150se. IMHO you will not fine what you want in a SS Amp. Also I own a pair of Class D amps, Channel Island D 200 and they are just not in the same league.
When I would have to go to transistor amps, I would get Lamm units. From those the 1.2 Reference.