Sennheiser HD 650's thin sounding?

Just received a new pair of HD650's to replace my dead HD580's and they sound so thin!!!

I'm using a Headroom home headamp with a NAD 542 CD, Kimber PBJ's and stock HD650 cable.

What is the deal with these phones? My 580's had much more bottom end slam and bloom in the mid bass? Is it a burn in issue or defective phones? Anyone have a similar issue?
Interesting posts.. I was beginning to think I was deaf.. my Senn 600's basically sound like c..ap. With the Musical Fidelity X Can they really are garbage compared to a decent system. I'm not sure if it is the X-Can or the combo, BUT they are so weak that i think any real listener has to be basically tone-deaf if they are recommending these 'cans as anywhere near hi-end! All those reviewers who think that these cans sound good should listen to my system and then tell me that. Pity as I think the Senn's are well made and they do feel nice to wear.
I have the HD 600s and find they are wonderful. I use the MG Head OTL headphone amp. For me they are better than any stereo system I have heard with more detail and nice weight and decent bass. I have more experience w. Speakers and Amps but it sounds like Headphones are similar in that they need to be matched to the amplifier driving them.

I have not tried any other headphones besides Grados for comparison. The Grados sounded great but very uncomfortable to wear long term for me.
I can not believe anyone would not be bowled over by the 650's. They have become better still after being played for some time, however, even new they were wonderful. I've heard them on OK components, and state of the art stuff, and although SOTA stuff sounded better, the 650's are always wonderful.
I have the 650's with antique sound lab otl headphone amp and card as cable and they sound absolutely fantastic.
There is something very wrong here, I have heard of HD650 copies getting around, also B stock from the factory, maybe yours could be one of these.
As mine are simply stunning to listen to. And the only headphone that I have heard to just slightly better them were the HD800's and not worth the extra double or tipple the price

Cheers George