Personal Preamp Evolution.

Yamaha C-80, Yamaha C-2, Sumo Athena, Blue Circle BC3, Blue Circle BC3000, Hovland HP100 and Antique Sound Lab TwinHead.
Jan- Jas Array 1.1 tube
Feb- Supratek Chardonnay
Mar- Granite Audio 770
Jun- Dodd battery pre
Sep- Isabella (Red Wine Audio) with Isabellina NOS DAC

2009 - non
2010 - ???
Kenwood 700c (1977). Kenwood 700c restored (2006). It's been a hell of a ride.
McIntosh MA 5100 integrated in the seventies. Sold everything and was out of the hobby for more than a decade.
Creek integrated around '91. Arcam Alpha 9 integrated in the late '90s.
Conrad Johnson PV14, then upgraded to Series 2.
CJ Premier 17LS, then upgraded to Series 2.
Modwright SWL 9.0SE, then upgraded to Sig.
Modwright LS 36.5 at present.
My first preamp was an integrated with pre out/ main in jumpers that I used as a preamp. My first dedicated pre was an APT Holman which was great in it's day. That was replaced with a PS Audio 6.2 which was active or passive. That was replaced by a McIntosh C15 which was recently replaced by a McCormack RLD 1 which is the best pre I've owned to date by far.
1. Musical Fidelity X-Pre/X-PSU/X-LPS

2. Aragon 24K with IPS

3. (Present) Audio Research LS-2 (tube: Philips E288CC) with Sphinx Phono pre

And I have a PS Audio 5.6 pre for use in my second system.