rookie drunk move

drinking beers and screwing around with wiring... prob lots of horror stories from that combo that would be an interesting topic for another thread. For me, i was re-wiring my speakers when i realized afterward that the amps were still on (Nuforce Ref 8). Luckily, everything appears to be working. However, i THINK i notice a slight degradation in sound. So my, i guess, somewhat newb question is this..if everything appears to be working and no definitive loss, am i just psyching myself out in hearing 'lesser' sound because I know what I did? Guess what i'm asking is -- do amps either work or not, and not capable of 'slight' degradation in sound due to something like what i did.

Sometimes simply moving a cable about with the prerequisite bending & flexing can change the sound briefly till it settles back in. Especially with active shielded cables.

But if you decide to ensure the connectivity path is as secure as can be...

DeOxsit the spades and posts... maybe twice, depending.

Then Pro gold or Walker-ize ALL the terminations... only a drop or two of either is needed.


then drink as you wish. The sound will change following the drinking. Mine always did... ultimately the sound was muted. so much so I'd just pass out.

Now it's just old age that makes me pass out while listening, so I no longer need the alcohol... unless I'm doing 'rock classics' that night, they'll keep me wide awake!
system is a go. thankfully. i totally lucked out on that one. I put 2 jumpers on each speaker and wound bare wire around the posts. The thought of all the close calls I unknowingly took is shuddering.
Where would we 'good audiophiles' be without drinking stories and rewiring catastrophies?
We've all done this at one point or another, if not with alcohol, tired, pissed off, moving day, whatever.
My age old response to "Could something be wrong" is, "If something sounds wrong, something IS wrong"!
Always trust your ears, (while not drinking).

Pass me the Cabernet, audiotweak, tvad, blindjim, we'll listen some more and talk about how good the system sounds!
If I could just move those cables....