5AR4 rectifier tubes - Chinese or Russian?

I'm needing to replace 2 - 5AR4 rectifier tubes in my Primaluna Prologue 3 preamp. Kevin at Upscale Audio has both the Sovtek and Shuguang tubes for $15 bucks each. The next step up is the Japanese tube at $45 each.

The tubes I'm replacing are original so I assume they are the Chinese model and I haven't tried rolling in any others. Should I stick with the Sovtek/Shuguang or step up to the Japanese or other tube replacements?

The ModWright tube rectified power supply PS 9.0 uses 5AR4. The original tube was the Sovtek, which went bad in less than a year. Dan Wright replaced it with a Chinese Ruby 5AR4. He said he had problems with the Sovtek. I have had the Ruby for about 5 months now. Works just fine.
The JJ gz34=(5AR4)is a good new production tube. thetubestore.com has them for $15.00
Your rectifier tube will have a marked effect on the overall sound of your unit. By going cheap there, you'll be ripping yourself off for a lot of music. If you went with a pair of NOS Mullards (GZ34/CV1377, from the Blackburn plant), they'd probably outlive your ownership of the unit, and would definitely improve the unit's presentation(compared to ANY new production tube).
I use the Japanese tubes which Kevin Deal carries.Two in my Prologue 8 CDP .And one in my SLP-05 Cary Pre amp power supply...Great bang for the buck..You won't be disappointed.