solid state vs tubes

has anyone compared a tube amp to a solid state amp and discovered that the diffference sonically between them was undetectable. ? if so what was the tube amp and what was the solid state amp ?

the reason for the question is the basic issue of the ability to distinguish a tube amp from a solid state amp.

this is especially interesting if the components were in production during the 90's , 80's or 70's.

if the components are in current production the probability of such aan occurrence might increasea.

why own a tube amp if there exists a solid state amp that sounds indistinguishable from it ?
Hifisoundguy you really believe tube audio will fall to class
D amps?
Why do you think this I am just wondering;You mention tube problems and tube owners don't want to talk about;all I can say is device or tube failure occurs on both products and I don't think there is a huge % that leans toward tubes;when you own tubes I have learned that it is not a major or audio ending event;what happens when a output transistor or output module fails its part of the hobby;no big surprise in my opinion.
I have audio valve challanger 180 mono's and jeff roland model 6 monoblocks and think both products do their job extremely well but I just think in my system the tubes have a slight edge in overall system performance.
Mrtennis when you have tubes on these speakers does that treble response occur?
hifisoundguy all the problems except tubes also occur in solid state gear as well;the tube issue is easily resolved by buying from sellers whom other members recommend or ones with stellar credability.The popping noise that comes and goes is one that I circumvent by testing my tubes on a b&k 747 tester on a regular basis;how do you test your ice modules,mosfets,or bipolar transistors;can be tough to desolder from a multilayer circuit board.I don't think a tube degrades quickly unless maybe it is a infant mortality
related;which can also, happen to solid state due to ESD or even high humidity causing leakage;leading to breakdown and failure as well.
Are we going to debate whether tube gear is reliable?

Well, I'm always willing to root for the underdog...

But, people don't buy tube gear for the dependability. And people don't switch to solid state because tubes are too reliability.
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I was going to tell an inside story about the Manley TNT when this thread started as a another tube/SS debate but that was not the OP's intent. Not supposed to know that anyhow.

Don't know if the tube amps I've known have been rolled off on upper frequencies or the better SS amps have been too "hot" but I tend toward the former. Consider that the higher frequency harshness that you're sensing may not be frequency related as much as time related, as if that helps. Different animal, different habitat.

As far as the Plinius, it does have the switch to run in A/B when not used or for casual listening. The "laid-back" soundstage might be a big adjustment from vintage tubes or, for that matter, vintage SS. Guaranteed it's a better match for the 1.6's than the old VTL 120.