Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence

I am in the midst of upgrading my system. Current gear features Rega Saturn cd, Regar Elicit integrated with mc phono stage, and Pro-Ject Debut III turntable with Ortofon Salsa mc cartridge (just getting started in vinyl), Zu Libtec speaker cables, Zu Gede interconnects, and Zu Mother and Zu Bok power cords.

I just traded my WLM La Scala monitors for the Zu Essence floorstanders. Love the added dynamics and bass extension from the Zu's. I'm happy with them. I also like the La Scala's but appreciate the extra dose of vividness from the Zu's.

I am now looking to optimize my amplification. The Rega gear sounds pretty great with the Zu's, but I have been informed that tubes may have more synergy with the Essence's.

I am considering the following:
Audio Electronics AE3-DJH paired with Six-Pacs monoblocks,
Quad QC-24 paired with Quad II-Forty's monoblocks,
Cary 300SEI,
Primaluna Prologue 2,
Primaluna Prologue 3 paired with Prologue 7's

Any other thoughts? Budget is $4500. Since this is my first venture into tubes, I would like to stick with something that I can get on dealer demo or new.

I listen to a variety of music from small-scale classical to jazz to indie to electronica.

I am not as concerned with accuracy as much as I am with the "in-the-room" experience.


My first suggestion is, buy whatever Audion tube amp you can find up to your spending limit. The synergy between Audion's fast, expressive sound and Zu, including Audion's tonal completeness and their ability to civilize the ribbon supertweeter makes that brand a first choice. 300B SET, or KT88 SE Tetrode, or even the 300B push-pull integrated for more bass discipline than the SET amps offer, will be great.

If you can find the Quad Classic II Integrated either discounted or used to fit your limit, it's a real option. It uses power amp circuity inspired by the original Peter Walker design, but it's a Tim deParavicini rework to use the KT66 pair for 25w/ch output instead of 15w. It sounds beautiful and strong, and generally I like the quality of today's production KT66 copies, than current KT88s and EL34s. The Shuguang Treasure KT66 is excellent, and the basic Shuguang Genelex copy is not only very good but are available cheaply with cryo treatment and they are also excellent. Otherwise the Quad II-Forty route is excellent, though you can (and should) consider a better preamp than the QC24 -- that line's weak link.

In solid state, consider the Lavardin Reference 30, or the LFD below the reference model. Neither will sound transistory on Essence.

Others: Melody AN211. 16/16 SET watts but lots of drive. Also anything in the Melody Astro Black series that captures your imagination. The 22, 40 or 50. You can also come in lower, with the Mystere ia21 integrated. Or go separates with the Mystere ca21 preamp + a pair of Quad II Classic monoblocks. You have a lot of option today, given the tube amps coming out of China. But let me add another ss option:

Luxman L550A II or ax. Class A, 20/20w, lots of drive; beautiful. You only have to stretch a bit to get one new.

I indulged in Zu's recent promo for the Essence. I have a small Class D Audio Virtue ONE, and I've read that it won't pair well with the Essence. The recommendations I find are above my budget, which is <$2000. I don't really need an integrated or pre as long as the amp has stereo input and a volume control (although I could use the digital input to control that as well). Any thoughts? I also like to buy direct and made in USA.
Revised recommendation. After spending some time with other gear, I don't recommend the Torii as highly. I DO highly recommend the Melody AN211 Phil mentions above and am using it with a pair of Zu Definition speakers myself. The Torii isn't in the same stratosphere.