Sim Audio question...

Hi All!

I am considering buying a Sim Audio integrated amp. It has those spikes for feet and I don't want to use them on my acrylic rack.

Does Sim provide two different types of feet with their products?
Kb...if the original poster is smart enough to afford sim gear and smart enough to figure out how to post on forums, then he can well call Sim and order a set of pucks which were designed for his piece of gear (if he bought it used and it did not come with pucks).
Pennies will scratch the hell out of acrylic shelves...that is bad advice.
Wood, unless finished and polished, will also scratch the hell out of acrylic shelves...again, bad advice.
So I will say it again....all sim gear come with cups so the pointed feet do not damage the shelf it is placed upon. If you buy used and it does not have these pucks....CALL SIMAUDIO.
The # for SIMAUDIO is 877-980-2400. Press 9 for English and then press 3 for sales. Ask for small pucks that go under equipment.
It is that easy.
I have had Simaudio I-3se, I-5, and I-7. The Sim pucks are the way to go. They are about the size of a nickel with a leather like cushion on the bottom to protect any shelf they may be sitting on. In the event you don't want to pay the Sim price or wait for shipping you can easily take four nickels, cut circular pads from an old piece of leather, and glue to the nickles. Whatever you decide, enjoy the amp.
Thanks everyone! Now I know what the pucks are like.

I was considering some wood and gluing felt to it so that the shelf would not get damaged.