Emotiva amplifiers review/experience?

Anyone had a chance to try out the Emotiva amplifiers and compare them to some of the more well known brands? How are the sound quality of the amps and how do they compare to other brands? Are they significantly worse or by some slight margin? Please let me know as I'm very interested in their products! Thank you!
Personally I would stick with the more well known brands. The biggest losses I've incurred in hifi have been from buying into the hype of the latest greatest from an unknown brand. If you stick with the well known brands like bryston you at least know if you bought it used at a decent price then you won't loose your shorts if you want to sell it and try something else a few years down the line.
9 responses and only 1 mentioned ever listening to emotiva amp. I guess that shows the bias against a company that builds a good product. I own emotiva products and have owned many high end products and in my opinion emotive offers a value and performs well above its price point. obviosly these are better products. arn.t there always?
While I do not own an Emotiva amp, I do own their XDA-1 DAC and it wounds absolutely wonderful. Build quality is first rate. One of the online reviewing magazines tested their 125wpc 2 channel amp which retails for 299.00. He summed it up by saying it sounded as good as amps costing up to 2,000.00 and if it wasn't sold factory direct, the price would be at LEAST 5 times the price due to marketing, middlemen getting their cuts, etc.

I happen to own an Odyssey amp which is a tremendous value for the money, I sold a 3,000.00 Classe power amp because the Odyssey was light years ahead of it in sound.

FYI, Emotiva gives a 30 day money back warranty if you don't like the amp. It's a no brainer to me.
I can't comment on Emotiva's 2 channel offerings but I do have an Emotiva UPA-7 HT amp. It definitely had more oomph overall than a Sony STR-DG1000 HT Integrated I was using. After making that change I haven't had the desire to get the Emotiva UPA-7 amp out of my system for any other multi-channel amps.
I have set up and used the XPA1 and the XPA2 in a friend of mines system and was quite surprised.I recommend he buy PASS LABS or KRELL but he bought the 2 XPA1monos and 2 XPA2s for the price of one high end 2 channel.All i can say is they sound pretty good lots of power not as clean of sound that you would get out of a big class A amp but a fraction of the cost.I don't know how long they will last the build quality was ok.I think you should stay away from the UPA series.