B&W N802: Which amp??

I just purchased a pair of N802 and I was planning on buying a Pass X250 from a friend but he decided to keep it. So now I'm trying to decide between an Pass X250.5 and a McIntosh MC402. Any thoughts??
I agree with Dave_72's comment. B&W will shine with lot of juice. I think Krell FPB amps, especially the monoblocks, are perfect match for B&W.
Thanks! As to which brand...so many out there. But, get an amp that "doubles down." For example, 600W into 8, 1200W into 4, 2400W into 2.

You can't go wrong with these behemoths.

I support the Krell idea. I owned n802's and feel they didn't shine till I got a FPB300c that later I had upgraded to a 400c...even then I feel they would have benefited from more power. Would have loved to hear them with a FPB600c or FPB650m's....mmmmmmmmm!

Good luck!
I drive my B&Ws with a Krell FPB 400cx and I find It to be a nice match. The B&Ws love power.