Ticking noise in Audio Research Reference CD7

I have a relatively new CD7 (probably with about 1,500 hours on it) and it recently started making this ticking noise each time I press "play" or move between tracks ("forward" or "backward"). While just playing the noise isn't there.

Any ideas where this noise could be coming from/caused by?

Did you expose the mechanism completely ? You need to take the player's top lid off first, then the square black metal element that covers the mechanism (it is beeing hold by 4 screws), and then the black plastic part that covers the rails (it is beeing hold by 4 allen bolts AFAIR).
Amuseb, I used to own the CD-7, and now the 8. If you check my System, I'm all ARC. I strongly recommend that rather than take the unit apart and fiddle with stuff you probably know very little about, that you call Calvin at the factory. He's there to help folks who own ARC gear. He will be able to diagnose the problem and advise you on what to do. It may be that the unit has to go to a service center or back to the factory. Dunno -- but Calvin will.
Hi, indeed I reached the second phase of the process and just before attacking the black plastic cover of the rails, decided to maybe discuss the matter with ARC first.
The issue for me is that, living in France, the local rep tends to charge tremendous amounts of money for service, may the sums be justified or, mostly usually, may they not.
Question: when lifting the square metallic cover, from underneath it's left side, a 1 inch long piece of a plastic tube (like the one used for shrink or the edge of the cables that run through the unit) fell into the palm of my hand. Is it possible that this piece serves for anything or is just that the person who built the unit didn't finish the cleanup properly?...
Thanks again.
Amuseb - must be a left over.

There is very little you can do to damage the transport mech. Worst case scenario, you can get a brand new CD-Pro2 transport mechanism from any shop that carries them in EU, and replace it by yourself. It is an easy 10 minutes job. No soldering necessary, jest a screwdriver and an allen keys set.