More power for better sound at low volumes?

Hello All,

I'm wondering if a more powerful amp will provide better sound at lower volumes, all other things being equal. For example, my Jeff Rowland Concerto is rated 250 into 8ohms and 500 into 4. A Bryston is rated 300 and 600. Does that mean I could get better low volume sound with the Bryston? If not, what is the secret to better low volume sound?

As usual, thanks in advance!
Hi Rustler,

I tend to find that the lower the noise floor, the lower the distortion, the better my system sounds at low volumes. Mainly because even at lower levels...i can still hear everything on the tune...from bass to high.

Given the amps you are considering, both are plenty powerful for lower levels into [almost] any speaker load you could imagine.

I would probably focus on very, very quite noise floor. Harder to measure, but that is where i have [by far] found the greatest improvements in my ability to listen at low levels.
Power alone has perhaps the least of anything to do with low volume sound quality. Almost everything else matters more. THere is lots of good info in threads scattered about here on A'gon already about what goes into getting good sound at lower volumes. Best to go through some of that first and then ask more questions here as needed.
I tried finding ideas on a-gon, but I must have used improper search parameters.
I'd guess that your present speakers couldn't use all of the power presently available to them with your amp, and even if they could you would leave the room or loose some hearing! :-)

Personally, just on principal alone, if I were in your place I would look about for a very high quality low(er) power, high current, Class A amp. At least one highly esteemed amp designer/manufacturer has long proclaimed that its the first watt that really counts.

BTW, in my experience, quality low volume sound levels are more the function of the speaker than anything else. A lot of speakers really don't open up until they reach a mid level volume regardless of the amps used. Both dynamics and electrostats/panel speakers anyway. Don't know about horns but they don't take much power anyway.

At least one esteemed amp designer/manufacturer has long proclaimed that it's really the first watt that counts.