I remember hearing a pair of Andra's powered by a VTL S80. Simply stunning.
Impossible to relate exactly what "nearly" means to you. You might be intrigued by the usual benefits of a solid state design for a time. Once bitten, you'll eventually return to the relaxed presentation of tubes. 'Sounds like tubes' is usually a positive, sounds like solid state is, wellÂ…
If you're looking for more deep bass there is no substitution for a modern powered sub with EQ.
Impossible to relate exactly what "nearly" means to you. You might be intrigued by the usual benefits of a solid state design for a time. Once bitten, you'll eventually return to the relaxed presentation of tubes. 'Sounds like tubes' is usually a positive, sounds like solid state is, wellÂ…
If you're looking for more deep bass there is no substitution for a modern powered sub with EQ.