My new apartment has no 3 prong plugs with ground

Just moved, my new apartment has no three-pronged plugs within any distance of my living room. Only old 2 prong plugs with no ground.
I have been using a 3-pronged converter for now.

Anyone think this will effect my system?
Danger in damaging something?
Should I chase new wires up and put in a new outlet?
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You have an advantage over the rest of us. The screw in fuses are better quality than the cheap metal they use in the circuit breakers and by floating the ground on your equipment you will most likely get better sound. The real challenge will be the room itself.
..just replace the wall outlests (easy to do). The 3rd (ground) might or might not be grounded...usually the box itself is grounded and therefore the plug will be grounded even if the 3rd wire isn't connected. Cheaters are no good..they ruin the sound.
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