My new apartment has no 3 prong plugs with ground

Just moved, my new apartment has no three-pronged plugs within any distance of my living room. Only old 2 prong plugs with no ground.
I have been using a 3-pronged converter for now.

Anyone think this will effect my system?
Danger in damaging something?
Should I chase new wires up and put in a new outlet?
Call an electrician (maybe the owner will split the cost). I live in a 90 year old house and had a dedicated line installed for the HiFi and most of the recepticals replaced.
When the electician found some outlets with pre-war wiring, I said dont bother running new lines as they are not used for high current items. (it would have been expensive). Most of my oulets are now 3-prong and up to code.
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@Mr J- I should have prefaced/qualified that statement with, "In most older homes:" OOPS!
Pre-war 2-prong wireing imposes a danger of setting building on fire and needs to be rewired new. Any tenant ringing a bell should not be neglected weather landlord loves or hates such. No matter how many amps you've got you may only use it OK for small appliances and microwaves, iron, corded drills may easily set these old wires on fire.
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