$5000.00 To Spend Looking for Tube Pre-Amp

Hi All,

Im lookign at the following:

CLS Line Stage
Used Audio Research
Used Atma Sphere

Any other recomendation? This is for my bedroom setup, Will be running them on Tube Amp and SS Amps Swapping them about.
Dragon_vibe, I take it you want the preamp to support balanced operation?

If looking into speakers, check out http://www.audiokinesis.com These are some very refined and very easy to drive speakers that are also reasonably priced.
Yes Balanced is good but not a must. Since its for a bedroom system. The cable runs wont be long.

Well not heard the Dude. but a Forum member here who compared the Dude to the CLS perffered the CLS more. I trust his ears more. The Dude prob is a very good Pre-amp but i feel its not for me.
Think i might settle for th CLS unless someone can claim another pre-amp is better class for the similar money
Thor ta-1000. I think it is hard to beat at the used price it goes for right now...if you can find one. The new owner is easy to reach and stand up guy.