Linn Akiva or Lyra Skala ?

Which one of these is a better all rounder ? Please elaborate with some sonic differences worth noting.
Thanks Theo.

Kleos is also in my consideration. Can anyone give any comparisons between the Skala and the Kleos ?
Something I forgot that's a very important Akiva's characteristic is that comes with dedicated cartridge wires soldered directly, avoiding the usual cartridge pin connectors that at this level degrade the cartridge signal more that what we can imagine.

This is a very nice design touch that Linn had and have for years, IMHO makes a difference for the better.

I wonder why other top cartridge designers don't follow the Linn trend in that regards other that some top tonearms comes with female connectors too but maybe could be possible that the tonearm manufacturers could give both options: male or female connectors. Anyway, only a thought.

Dear Pani: I heard in my system the Skala and I own the Akiva and I like more the natural music color and agresiveness that exist in the live music that the Akiva shows than the Skala, this one is a little in the lifeless side against the Akiva.

I don't heard yet in my system the Kleos but I heard the Titan i and in other audio systems too. The Titan is very good performer and better than the Skala ( is has to be for the price. ) but I can't say against the Kleos.

IMHO you can't go wrong with the Akiva.

Regards and enjoy the music,
If the Akiva has soldered leads, you may not be able to use them on tonearms that have fixed headshells or dedicated cable from pin to base of tonearm.