Question on FR 66s

For some reason, search on FR 66s in agon did not turn up anything much. I recalled that recommended S2P distance is 296mm rather than 295mm and Stevenson geometry seems to work best. Is this correct? I already have FR 64s which works very nicely with Koetsu. In general, does FR 66s works well with the more modern cartridges, Lyra, Air Tight, Dynavector etc.
I am kind of curious to try it but not sure what to try it with. Beside those mentioned on my system page, I have Kiseki Blue, XV-1s and Miyajima Zero on hand currently.

Thanks for any suggestion.
Lewn, that's exactly what I am thinking as well.
There was a thread awhile ago I think on audio asylum regarding professional gear and recording studio. Supposedly someone talked to Bob Ludwig (I think it was him or may be another major recording engineer) who said that he had compared live mike feed, DSD recording and analogue tape recording from the same mike feed and found that DSD is the closest to live mike feed but analogue tape sounded better. However, he did not say which sounded closest to the actual event nor did he say how it was better.

I found some digital recording that was then made into LPs sounded slightly different from its CD counter part but did not add anything much more and I generally prefer CD just for the ease of use. Some digital recordings such as DG Zimermann's Chopin ballades sounded quite dreadful on CD but rather good on LP. The more recent SFO Mahler Cycle with Michael Tilson Thomas and Paavo Jarvi Beethoven symphonies cycle were recorded in DSD but I found the LPs more enjoyable eventhough the SACDs are already very good. I think Jarvi's recording was remastered again specially for LP so it is not exactly the same as SACD but not sure about SFO Mahler's one.
Or express a point on a 'reference', rather than keep talking about the virtue of a component several times.
I hope others may also be interested in a comparison between the 'classic' FR-64/66 and the new Ikeda's IT 407 and 345? As far as I know the 'general opinion' is that the 'classic' are superiour. However I noticed J.Carr's opinion (MM thread)that the IT -345 is the best tonearm ever made by Takeda.The reason mentioned is that Ikeda has (meanwhile) much better understanding of the resonances involved. I admire Carr very much and bought the IT 345 on his authority. However I am also reluctant to change the 'status' of my IT 345 from 'brand new' into 'second hand'. I hope for some empathy for the 'Hamlet' involved.

Dear Suteetat/Lewm: I think you are " right " on your thoughts and those opinions could not be in other way and the main reason of that IMHO is that: for how many years, maybe 20-30-40, almost all of us heard and today still hear those kind of distortions that we like it is it that we are accustom to it? it does not matters if are " right or wrong ".

It is obvious that if that kind of distortions is the " only " kind of distortions I heard/hear any other distortions generated by a different audio item can sound " sterile " or whatever.

My point/subject is that today we have real alternatives other than the LPs, alternatives where we can enjoy the music too.
In the past the only alternative to really enjoy MUSIC was LP no doubt about but I think that today we are showing a new " audio era " and we are lucky enough for live it:

never before the analog/LPs were at its today quality performance level and never before the DIGITAL was at its today really great quality performance level, along both facts never before our each one audio system was at so top quality performance level!!!!

So, in many ways these are the " golden years ". That some of us are reticent to accept the digital or SS today development to enjoy music does not diminish in any way those facts I mentioned.

Today I can " see " more ofr you with top digital units some of you with the lates DACs and some of you now are listening through SS electronics and even MM/MI cartridges. So things are changing for the better and is up to you to grow up in music's benfit or not.

From my part I'm enjoying all today alternatives. Maybe I have an advantage over some of you: I'm not " married/sticky " with any audio technology, I'm maried with MUSIC and its enjoyment and I always try to find out the " best " technology/alternatives to enjoy it .

What are you doing?

Regards and enjoy the music,