Recent Used Finds Classical


Okay, here's my first attempt at starting a cool, never-been-done, long running thread ;)

Here's what I picked up today at my local used record shop:

Barry Tuckwell - Mozart Horn Concertos - Angel S-36996
Ashkenazy/Perlman/Tuckwell - Brahms Trio and Franck Sonata - London CS 6628
Kempff - Beethoven Sonatas - Eterna **(1)
Karajan - Romeo and Juliet, Don Juan - London CS 6209 **(2)
Horowitz - 1966 Carnegie Hall - Columbia M2S 757

Total, around $15...

**(1) I have an almost identical DGG version to this, but I've never heard of Eterna... Can anyone give me some background here? The notes are all in German... Anyways, I'm a huge Kempff fan, so I cannot wait to hear it!

**(2) My first "London Blueback" and it's in great condition! I wonder what it will sound like?!
Eterna was the state owned LP label of the now difunct socialist East Germany (DDR).
Schipo: ah, Grumiaux! Awesome! I'm not really familiar with the RCA plum Victrola stuff, but you cannot go wrong with Monteaux as well.

Ajahu: thanks for the info! I'm just getting into this gig, so it helps to know what to look for. Are the Eterna records decent for the most part?

Raytheprinter: I also found a copy of DGG Der Rosenkavalier with large tulips at a thrfit store in mint condition for $5.. I don't know what it's really worth, but it was a nice find ;)

Keep 'em coming!
okay, here's today's finds:

Milstein - Brahms Violin Concerto - Angel 36000 (mono)
Stern - Saint-Saens VC, Chausson Poeme, Faure Bercuse - Columbia M34550
Perlman - Paganini VC, Sarasate Carmen - Angel S-36836 **(1)
Perlman - Perpetual Motion - Angel S-37003 (similar to **1))
Perlman/Williams - Paganni Duos - Columbia 34508
Perlman - Spanish Album - Angel SZ-37590 (similar to **(1))
Perlman - Vieuxtemps VC 4-5 - Angel S-37484 (similar to **1))
Gould - Mozart Piano Sonatas vol. 1 - Columbia MS 7097
Gould - Mozart Piano Sonatas vol. 4 - Columbia MS 32348
Gould - Mozart Piano Sonatas vol. 5 - Columbia MS 33515

Total: $30

I think I did pretty well...

**(1) There's a bunch of hand written stuff on the inner part... "Mastered by Capitol" (a signature) (a flower-like symbol) 34907-A Mo #3 S1.36836.G10 and similar on the back.. What's all this about?!