Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?

I saw the Black Eyed Peas in PA last night and all I can say is WOW. The whole production was over the top with a futuristic Science Fiction vibe. The music was like no other with so many influences its hard to classify as any one style.
The bottom end literally moved my hair and clothes.
The audience was a wide variety of fans. Many parents brought their children, 10,11 years old. The crowd was white, black, Asian, young, old (me) and happy.
I recommend you go see this show when the opportunity presents itself. It is history in the making.
Reading my last post back did I mention the BEP in the same line even as those others?

Oh well, it is what it is.

The BEPs have racked up a lot of success of late. The book is still open. We'll see......
>>02-07-11: Mapman
The BEPs have racked up a lot of success of late<<

Only if you measure success by tickets and/or records sold. Your position then must also apply to Justin Bieber, Madonna, Miley Cyrus, Sheryl Crow and on and on and on.

What they have in common is all are purely show and no go. In the entertainment business there's no accounting for lack of talent. It's all about promotion and the public fish eagerly stand in line to spend their money.
03-04-10: Tpreaves

Black-Eyed-Peas, the future of modern music?

Let's hope not.

I still stand by my first post.
"Only if you measure success by tickets and/or records sold."

That's a good measure of success I would say.

I am usually able to find something to like about pop music acts that either were at one time or are currently popular, at least if the popularity persists over an extended period. Also influence on future acts is another measure of success in the long term, I suppose.

Spectacle plays a big part in pop music, more so as time goes on it seems. Acts like BEP and Lady Gaga (including their producers and directors) are trail blazers in this regard.

That's the part that just is what it is to me.

One thing about BEPs, their CDs apply a lot of over the top electronic bass that I find exhilirating and was a big challenge to get a handle on in building my audio system. So in that sense BEPs recordings have played a significant part in my quest to enable my system to deliver with modern digital pop music. I owe them something for that at least I suppose.

Plus I still think Fergie is hot!

>>02-07-11: Mapman
"Only if you measure success by tickets and/or records sold."
That's a good measure of success I would say.<<

An extremely myopic view in fact.

The best measure of success is longevity.

See Bach, Beethoven, Berry, Beatles, etc.

Hope that helps.