What is your favorite reference music?

I just got started in this downward spiral of a hobby, and I have found myself going back to the same 3 or 4 artists and songs to test new pieces of equipment. Here are some of my favorites:

1.) Rodrigo y Gabriel - Diablo Rojo
2.) Air - Universal Traveler
3.) OutKast - Morris Brown
4.) Turin Brakes - Average Man

What is your favorite reference music?

I am going to have to buy that one for kicks! Is it half as funny/pathetic as I imagine??

Heyitsmedusty, Nine Inch Nails The Downard Spiral is a great test disc, and it comes in SACD to boot.... "Hurt" is amazing!

Joni Mitchell "Court and Spark" is still one of the best. So is her rival Ricky Lee Jones first three. Stay away from Diana Krall. Beside the fact that you may become dull and lifeless from likstening to her, you will find that she has killed a talented guy named Elvis and stuffed him. Just listen to the last two albums.
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