I’m wondering what others have done with their personal confusers & DACs using an USB interface.

I recently added more Bright Star iso nodes, small & large to see if some betterment could be had. I used the small ones under my USB HDD… and the large ones under the desktop…. MUCH IMPROVED!

Cleaner, clearer, and more discernable range articulation became evident.

I also use a PS Audio UPC 200 & Duet, for the desktop and some peripherals. That helps two ways… it makes the FILE playback better, and seems to aid the maind systems sonics too by helping to eliminate the influx of wall wart, printer, etc., from introducing artifacts to it.

Has anyone yet confirmed or dispelled the USB cable controversy?

With which USB cable are you running?

Anything you’ve done which has proven to exhibit audible enhancements to the overall sound waulity would be greatly appreciated to be disclosed here.
hdd format... ntfs, fat 32, Which RAID, etc.

Thanks very much.
Thanks Blindjim!

Well you are right. I should get over there and read up on their forums and see what i can learn there before downloading, just to be on the safe side.
I'm curious if the sound quality of the free version is as good as the JRMC? That is something i would like to know.
And also if i download JR if it will disable all of WMP 9 functionality? It sounds like you are saying that your other media player software players weren't affected by the JRMC install and that you could still use them?

I need to find out if the Kmixer is bypassed in the install of JR and if my WMP files will still be able to be played. I have a few FLAC files downloaded but they will not play at present if i try and open them. I need to convert them over to Wave files via a program i use called Flac Frontend which then converts them into Wav's with the WMP logo on them which then lets me listen to them or burn to disc if i choose to. So i don't understand at this point how people are just listening to Flac files on their PC's and on their own at this point.
I guess you are saying maybe that the JR Media Centre CAN play the Flac files and JR jukebox and WMP 9 can't?

Well i better get over to the JR forum and see what i can learn there.

Thanks for the thelp in this thread and on others!
installing either jukebox or MC won't affect the other sofgtware on your PC. The ONLY issue may be that YOU allow it to be the sole or default player on the PC via file associations. That can be changed too. Later. In the options menu under tools, in JR.


Sometimes you have to do both. I had no such porblem except with CD playback... and that took just a few seconds to fix by following the above steps.

This way with XP will ensure there are no conflicts... create another user account. Give it admin rights. Log onto that account. Download whatever software there using this new account. Windows should not allow that newly made accounts setting s to conflict with other normally used account settings... and vice versa.

I noticed no diff sonically using either Jukebox or MC 12. I chose MC 12 ONLY because it played my protected files as well. Jukebox would play them now and then but not always.

it might have needed to be reinstalled... I don't know. But MC12 did so that was fine by me. I don't even use the MC12's video facets at all as it conflicts with my adaptive software... or the other way 'round. But somethings going on that prevents it from showing DVDs, etc. other apps do the same thing too, so I know it's not just JR but my needed accessibility program.

jukebox will play FLAC too. winamp will as well with the right plug in. I'm sure there are others too.
Ok i just went ahead and downloaded the J River Media Jukebox 12. It prompted me through some things and i think i made the right decisions but time will tell. But just imported all of the music files on my computer into it and am listening to it now and it sounds fantastic. I went into the drop down menu and selected 24 bit since my sound card is 24 bit so i hope that was the right decision? Sounds just fine and when i did hit the 24 bit it did seem to open up a bit for sure. And heck i am just listening to an Mp3 file and i never heard this file sound so good!

I'm sure i will have more to follow down the road and probably more questions..... hah!

thanks again Blindjim!
it does provide a startling sonic improvement for sure, and it doesn't seem to matter which file format either... mp3, WAVE, AAC, etc.
And also i am really liking the very USABLE effects section for some added ambience to live shows i have downloaded that are a tad dry.
The eq section is also very nice and usable as well for the same application (live downloaded shows) that seem to lack that certain something.
Very nice.

And the skins and visualizations are really great fun as well.

I am very pleased thus far for sure!

next step is for me to rip a cd and see how that works and to try and do all of that organizing.

A question though:

I am going to be looking into an external hard drive for more storage space as i want to put a substantial amount of my collection on there at somepoint. Will i just have to hook that up via the computers usb out and media jukebox will just recognize that or do i need to configure that somehow so that it will do so?
A little ignorant about that for sure as I have never attempted anything like that.

Things are definitely moving in the direction that i was hoping!

A big THANKS again!