missed buying opportunities

I just missed an Ebay deal on a Well Tempered turntable that I wish I would have bought, even though the auction ended at 4:00 A.M. and I couldn't stay awake that long! What's the one piece of gear you passed on that you regret the most?
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
You should start using a bid program such as esnipe. You put in the most you are willing to pay and it bids for you.
Don't ever regret what you didn't get. Something else always comes along.
The one and only Fi WE421 SET amp that ever sold on Audiogon. I was the third one to look at the ad sometime late after midnight. It was gone 10 minutes later - Michael Lavorgna from 6moons snapped it up.
A pair of Royd The Minstrel SE speakers sold for $400 here on Audiogon, repleat with the optional metal stands. I still kick myself missing them - and that was 5 years ago. Here I thought I was the only person possibly interested in such rarities... Oh well.
No missed opportunities, but a few impulse buys that I wish I had taken more time to look into before buying and selling at a big loss.

Happy Listening. Anyone want to buy some of my non sellable junk !!!
I once missed out on getting a vintage sunburst Gibson ES-225 with double P-90's advertised in a local classified for a mere $200 because I first went by my bank's ATM to get cash because I assumed the seller wouldn't want a check. So when I got to the place not only was the sale just made to a guy who arrived literally 2 minutes before me, but he was paying by check! -- and then the lucky bastard had the termitity to ask me if he could plug in to the amp I was carrying in order to check it out since the seller didn't have one. Oh, and of course it was in beautiful shape. I still cringe writing this 20 years later...