Melbguy1, let me know where you do your reviews, I do enjoy the nice reads, I enjoy learning what you have to say, most of the equipment you have, I have no exsperience with, so all that you say will be a treat indeed, however, please elaborate about the gigawatt power conditioner here, if you do not mind, I will be in the market for such a device to go on my temporary cd-player on my main system, Temporary-meaning, I will be putting it on a second system when I am able to buy a much better piece, The vincent cd-s7 has a gorgeous sound, worth keeping for sure, it is a tube/solid state hybred player, it has the 12au7 times 1 and 12ax7 times 2, and a 6z4 recitifier tube in the power supply, an exceptional player for $2,500.00 that sounds better to me than the Ayon cd-2s that was alot more money, cheers.