

Responses from 1971gto455ho

Whats on your turntable tonight?
More dust …. lol   
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
Oh but you can’t listen to the music unless you’ve spent thousands in the 1 yard wall to equipment Marketing scam. Science, physics, aside you can hear a difference if you burn in the pretty S… that you’ve sold your car to buy. I’ve always loved t... 
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Depressing is where all the deemed useless / vintage sound equipment is going to end up ! And what of the marketing industry, snake oil, power cables, silly audiophile lingo, humour, debates ? Like the feed bag off the horse to the motor on a cart... 
Power amplifier longevity… thoughts?
Don’t let the fear mongering get to you, who cares how old an amp is ? Secondly who cares if the company is still in business. It’s electronics virtually everything is replaceable outside of cosmetic i.e. case, buttons, knobs, that sort of thing. ... 
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
Yup Dedicated 10 gauge panel to hospital grade outlets solidly installed is an excellent starting point. Should you want to listen to the Burn in this is better than that type Rabbit hole conversations, that option will always be there. Good luck ... 
Recommendations for 20 amp electrical outlets
Good point “you’re hearing many opinions on the same outlets”  My guess is then most of it doesn’t make a difference and it’s a wee bit of a scam…you think ?   
Holo May KTE Power Cord
Or just face the fact that a person is at the will of manufacturers to charge whatever they want and they expect stupid people will pay !  And of course who cares what either party does with or without their money.  Cheers    
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
Did not get to read your post involving Watkins product and or service, as I’ve several of their vintage makings I’m always interested in hearing different views concerning, do update.  Cheers   
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
Damn I had know idea there are so many best ever speakers offered out there, especially the little stuff. Even shopping with a fixed budget in mind a person won’t live long enough to review most offerings. Build it and they will come…hey that’s a ... 
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
I listed the ps audio Aspen fr5 at the beginning of this thread, I’m pleased to see others agree. Really folks find a way to audition these, they punch way beyond their price point. Much of what’s been listed here pretty polished handcrafted wood ... 
High end bookshelf speakers for Small room
Before looking into the Sonus Fabre multiple collection, Do yourself a favour look into Aspen FR5 from ps audio, thank me later.  Cheers   
Subwoofer Advice
Given your room size forget the RS-1b, they want more period ! Been there, built  bigger sold em. Moved up to IRS Beta’s…subs, not likely lol !  Cheers   
New speakers for a new start?
Budget would be nice, vintage is cool I’ve IRS Betas tuned up set up and well amplified, Old or New they’re hard to beat IMO.  Cheers   
Can hi-end cables benefit less expensive electronics?
@fastfreight  Hi guy,  You’re right to some it did make a lot of noise but it was worth it. With the help of Butler Parts and my wallet that car noise and all was in the low 10’s in the quarter at 145+ miles an hour. It’s been a hobby as well as... 
Do different speaker stands can really make a big sound improvement?
Think….of course ! The direction of your sound is travelling along the floor if that’s where you now have them. Makes sense to have it ear level at a minimum don’t you think ? And filling with sand great idea if you’re a weightlifter, depending on...