

Responses from 1971gto455ho

Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
Now we’re talking there’s a plan all manufactures will make their equipment according to PS audio, You think ?  “ I don’t have a great answer handy. But we’ll look some more tomorrow “ Cheers   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@dwcda And anyone else that chooses to listen to my opinion, installing anything in place of an actual fuse designed by the manufacturer is absolutely ridiculous. We’re not talking a yes or no belief in cables there’s actually a total equipment f... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
Correct it isn’t rocket science, that said science should be the first and documented step, something lacking in many of these audio tweaks for twits.   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@deep_333 Eva Cassidy ‘Wade in the water’ how fitting Lol   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
@whart To date I’ve seen “0” product of this phoney nature accepted and compatible with high end audio Product manufactures. Perhaps gladmo can Enlighten us with his Slug use on his “ top-notch system” lol don’t hold your breath do hold on to you... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
That is in the eyes / ears of the beholder ! What pray tell is your idea of top notch ? I gathered warranties aren’t applicable.   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
How do you sleep at night, go away with that nonsense.,.tonality ??  It’s gone from mildly entertaining almost laughable to ridiculous almost illegal. there’s an election coming perhaps put your name on the docket.   
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
What utter rubbish, the best example of fairy dust and use of the placebo syndrome yet. People can’t be that stupid, my suggestion don’t quit your day job. 200 years ago you’d be going around the country in a Horse drawn caravan belching Sluggo el... 
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
If it sounds good it’s good. I’m sure a goodly amount of music is manipulated at the bench so to say, what’s the difference. Instruments are man-made someone that can’t sing can’t sing…or run it through the process, bingo a star is born ! So get u... 
Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier
Accuphase recommends using their stock cord, please cut it up and guess what you’ll find… the proper gauge good old copper simply covered with secured connectors. Seems like a dumb idea trying to better their engineering simply throwing silly mone... 
Does it have to sound good for you to like it?
Post results, much like a cable post. Will you or won’t you listen, can you or can’t you hear…lol Cheers   
Power Cables
Of course check the used market as there is thousands out there and thousands more made every day. Different colours, sizes, textures, gimmicks, satisfaction really depends on how many years you wanna play in the rabbit hole. With regards to the b... 
Double up on speaker cables
Agreed cables do make a difference. Quality of copper, Gauge size, Routing a/c Interference etc. It’s the good better best lipstick on a pig it’s better tomorrow, BS that’s disgusting. And the price you’re expected to pay for this placebo pseudo-e... 
Double up on speaker cables
@timkeough1964 Oh know… Don’t believe in magic beans now you’ve done it…woke the bears ! Out run someone… Lol Cheers  
What is your front end ?
IMO the most efficient way to realize that peaceful musical zone is the way to go. LP’s, CD’s waste of time and effort, seldom did I find a recording that I enjoyed from beginning to end. Spent a couple of years making flack CD’s then boredom set ...